Our second day of this film shoot was quite intense. We had to finish writing the fight scene (I wrote the second half on set, and our DA, Randi Jo typed it up so that Jed and Hannah could memorize their lines), AND our Mr. Freet got sick and had to cancel at the last minute! This proved to be a major blessing in disguise as we had to spent about two hours just getting the lighting right and would never have been able to shoot everything anyhow. Have you ever tried to dramatically light a huge room with reflective marble surfaces? It's crazy, I tell you!
But we got to do cool things, like make-up and blood... and finally some really dramatic contrast lighting that I've been wanting to do for awhile. Plus of course dodging bullets and crying and rolling down marble steps, which was just LOVELY for our actors. ;)

Thank you all once again for your prayers and support on this project. We had a rough day on Wednesday, as another last-minute cancellation ended up in calling-off our Thursday shoot. We're not exactly sure how we're going to get a couple of Bear's final scenes shot (he leaves for college VERY soon), and so we could use some major prayers for a miracle.