Welcome to "The Shadow of the Bear" movie blog!
We are an independant young adult-run production based in the U.S. Midwest. The film has been in pre-production since summer 2008, and wrapped up filming on August 26th, 2010.
We premiered the project on June 23rd, 2011 at the St. Anthony Main Theater in Minneapolis, MN to a delighted audience of over 100 viewers.
For details about the future of the project,
click here.
*gasp* It's Mr. Freet!!!! *hides*
And the plastic bag! Ahhhhh! *hides again* Be careful Rose!
LoL, thanks for the new photos! How did everything go?
This is a bit weird... but for some reason i always pictured Mr. Freet putting a ziplock bag over Rose's head. But that wouldn't really work, would it?
Fish's clothes do look much better than before. It looks like he has been in Freet's basement for three days. It all looks so real.
Thanks for the pictures. :D
luverly pictures!! is that mr.freet with the plastic bag? luv that last picture of anthony.;)
I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!! *faints* *revives* *faints again*
I like the pictures, especially the one of Fish
Ahhh!!! SO GOOD and very funny, Fish!!! ;)
Hehehe, it's super Anthony! LOVE it! *chuckles*
Thank You SOOOOOOOOOO much for posting the pictures!!!!!! :)
Seeing more pictures makes me look forward to seeing the scenes in the movie even more!!!!
Thank you again for putting them up, I know you said you would but you must be sooooooo busy and taking time out of everything you do take care of the fans is soooooo cool!!! :)
Thank you again!!!! :)
Sharayah, you are so brave to trust ANYONE to put a plastic bag over your head! This looks amazing!
mr. freet DOES look really creepy...*shudder*
Mr. Freet! Oh no! For some reason I always imagined him shorter...hehe. Other than that though, he's perfect! Vest and everything! lol. The plastic bag picture got me all excited; a glimpse of what is probably the most intense scene. eek!
The last picture is so funny...Fish in all his manliness. :-P
OoooOooOOoOoOooOOoOoOooO!!!!! It's Mr. Freet!!!! I've wanted to see who you cast as him! :D The evil dwarf... dun dun DUUN!!!
I'm so excited for the movie!!!
And I concur with all the previous comments made about the last picture. :)
Haha, I always envisioned a plastic ziplock bag too! ;)
The last picture is the best! :)
Omgosh . . .I had a dream about that picture of Rose with a bag over her head . . . XD
I always pictured a large ziploc bag too, but the garbage bag works.
The last pic is my fav too! SUPERFISH!!! rofl!
Can't wait for the movie!
I totally picturesd the ziplock, too!! haha but I guess you cn't really tie a knot in that...
I'm still in shock at how well all the characters have been cast. You're doing an amazing job, and I CANT WAIT TO WATCH THE REAL MOVIE.
Hello, Sharayah here!
I think you know by now that I play Rose in the film. Well, I know it's been almost a year since these comments were posted, but I haven't looked at these pictures until now!
Yes, I did trust the actor who put the plastic bag over my head. :) This would be because he is my father! I would trust him with my life any day :D
Thanks for all your support!!
LOL, I heart Fish! (Which is freaky, cause I'm a redhead :p)
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